There’s no perfect data to study the medication use in pregnancy and their effects on the fetus.
FDA links 980 deaths per year in the U.S. to acetaminophen.
Acetaminophen is amongst the most commonly-used medicines worldwide, for all age groups- starting in infancy for fever, right through till old age for pain control and other ailments. It is packaged into almost all prescription as well as non-prescription analgesics. However, its safety profile is questionable when it is consumed in higher doses than what is recommended. Acetaminophen poisoning is a major public health issue and it’s excess concentration is directly associated with liver failure.
Since the pregnant body is undergoing a rapid transformation and the weight gain leads to posture changes and painful joints, low back pain is common in pregnancy. Acetaminophen is the current go-to drug for pain control in pregnant women.
A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics has linked taking acetaminophen during pregnancy with conduct disorders and hyperactivity in children. 7,800 women and their children were studied over the course of more than 7 years, and it was revealed that children exposed to acetaminophen prenatally are prone to multiple behavioral difficulties.
As compared to women who did not use acetaminophen during pregnancy, those who took the drug during weeks 18-32 had a 31% increased risk of hyperactivity and a 42% higher relative risk of conduct disorders in their children.
However, since the study is only suggestive and doesn’t really prove anything, pregnant women should not refrain from acetaminophen completely in situations when it is required, as this too puts the fetus at risk. For example, fever during pregnancy can be quite dangerous and may lead to pre-term labour. More studies are needed to confirm the link, but the study provides a good enough reason to avoid the consumption of medicines in doses more than recommended.
Don’t ignore the leaflet that accompanies your Painkillers
Many people take anti-inflammatory medications for almost all types of painful conditions as they are highly effective, low cost therapy. In most cases, a short course taken appropriately causes very minor to no side-effects, and the benefit usually far outweighs the potential risks. Read More..