` Dental Animation - Scientific Animations
The top medical animation studio for pharma and medical device marketing, training and interactive app development. We make you look good

Dental Animation

3D animations are very commonly used in the marketing of dental products. TV commercials for toothpaste and toothbrushes were amongst the first to use animation as historically animation was largely considered a kids medium. As a result, dental care commercials would show animated evil plaques being expelled by valiant toothpaste particles.

There was another reason too … nobody wants to look in somebody else’s mouth. The animation made the inside-mouth scenes … um… palatable, and a beautiful, smiling woman with perfect teeth often provided the sex appeal. The 2D of the eighties was replaced with the 3D of the nineties and now, well you’re basically nobody if you don’t show your 12 year old patient a beautiful 3D animation of her braces in the initial consult.

Having done animations for over 30 types of dental procedures, we know how to make the procedure look simple and pretty. The trick with dental animation is to never forget that a set of teeth and gums on their own look like a horror movie prop, and that, even though many dentists and animators who are used to seeing teeth day-in day out don’t catch it, a patient will always be scared to see implements working on an open set of chompers! So with that in mind, keep things moving, pick flattering camera angles and keep the colors soft and sweet. Else, you will end up with a video that belongs in Zombieland.

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