- Red bone marrow which aid in producing blood cells
- Yellow bone marrow which aid storing fat.
Functions of red bone marrow
Red bone marrow is involved in the production of blood cells, namely hematopoiesis. Hematopoietic stem cells, which are present in the red bone marrow can develop into a variety of blood cells, including:- Red blood cells: They work to carry oxygen-rich blood to the body cells. Old red blood cells can be broken down in red bone marrow as well, however this activity is mostly carried out in the spleen and liver.
- Platelets: They help in the blood clot and prevent uncontrolled bleeding.
- White blood cells: These are of various types and they work to help the body in fighting the infections.
Functions of yellow bone marrow
Yellow bone marrow is involved in the fat storage. The fats in yellow bone marrow are stored in the cells known as adipocytes. This fat can be used as a source of energy as needed.Conditions involve bone marrow
- Fever. This happens because of not having enough quantity of healthy white blood cells.
- Fatigue or weakness. This is due to lack of hemoglobin, the protein on red blood cells that carries oxygen.
- Increased infections. This is a result of having fewer healthy white blood cells that assist in fighting infections.
- Shortness of breath. A low red blood cell count can cause less oxygen being delivered to the body tissues.
- Easy bleeding and bruising. This happens because of having fewer healthy platelets, which are key for helping the blood to clot.
- Leukemia It is a type of cancer that may affect both the bone marrow and lymphatic system. It occurs when the blood cells get mutations in their DNA. This results them to grow and divide faster than the healthy blood cells. These cells begin to dominate the healthy cells in the bone marrow, over time.
- Acute lymphocytic leukemia
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Acute myelogenous leukemia
- Chronic myelogenous leukemia
- Aplastic anemia It occurs when bone marrow doesn’t form enough new blood cells. It happens from damage to the stem cells of bone marrow, which makes it difficult for them to grow and form into new blood cells. This damage can be either:
- Inherited
- Acquired
- Myeloproliferative disorders It occurs when the stem cells in the bone marrow have abnormal growth. This may lead to increased numbers of a specific type of blood cell.
- Primary myelofibrosis
- Polycythemia vera
- Essential thrombocythemia
- Hypereosinophilic syndrome
- Systemic mastocytosis

Bone Regeneration Using Stem Cells
Perhaps the smartest cells in the human body are the stem cells. As long as they are placed in the right conditions and right signals are sent to them, they can possibly replicate any part of the body. However, knowing the right conditions and the right signals for synthesizing the desired tissue is easier said than done. Read More..Test what you learned