“Share the Power” - That’s the theme of the World Heart Day as pinned by the World Heart Federation. While it invites us all to share what powers our healthy heart, we went a step further and leveraged the popular adage “Knowledge is Power”.
This World Heart Day, we decided to “Share the Knowledge” about the anatomy of heart like you’ve never seen before:
And other prevalent heart-related conditions like:

Congestive Heart Failure
A comprehensive account on CHF that was studded with a beautiful medical animation.

Restoring Clogged Arteries
An interesting analogy between treatment of arterial blockage, the most common cardiovascular condition, and restoration of a crumbling monument.

Plumbing & Electrical Problems of Heart
To clear out the dazing terminology of Heart Attack, Cardiac Arrest and Heart Failure, we created graphics that showed heart attack as a plumbing problem, while cardiac arrest as an electrical problem.

Transcatheter Heart Valves Surgery
A newsjack cum educative piece on Transcathetar Heart Valve Surgery, the recent advancements in it, and how is it better than the traditional open heart surgery.
We specialize in medical visualisations, so we employed this expertise to let you understand these issues more comprehensively. Let’s kickstart our journey with the structure of the heart:

If you want us to write on any other specific conditions, you may drop us an email on : hello@scientificanimations.com