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Paget’s Disease- Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

Written by Kausalya on

Paget’s disease is a common bone disease. It is a disorder in which the body’s normal recycling process, in which an old bone tissue is replaced with the new bone tissue, is interfered with. As a result, the body absorbs the old bone and the new bone that is formed is abnormal. In Paget’s disease, the body may generate new bone tissues in the wrong places or remove the old bone tissues from areas where it is not required to be removed from. This disease is a disorder of the body’s remodeling process and usually affects older people after the age of 55 years.

3D medical animation still shot of Paget's Disease
3D medical animation still shot of Paget's Disease


Most people suffering from Paget’s disease usually have no symptoms and when they do appear they are predominantly in the form of pain in the bones. The bones get deformed because this disease causes the body to generate faster and this fast remodeling causes the body to produce bone that is softer and weaker. Because of this the probability of fractures increases highly. This disease may affect only a part of the body or it may affect several parts. Depending upon the area that is affected, the signs and symptoms may be:

  • Spine: If the spine is affected, then the nerves get compressed and pain, numbness or tingling sensations can be felt in the arms or legs.
  • Skull: When there is an overgrowth in the skull then hearing loss and headaches might be experienced.
  • Pelvis: If the disease affects the pelvis, then there is a pain in the hips.
  • Leg: Paget’s disease in the leg can cause osteoarthritis of the knees or hips.


The exact cause of Paget’s disease is not fully clear but there are certain factors that increase the risk in people in developing this disease. These factors are:

  • Family history: Paget’s disease definitely runs in families and there is a 25 to 40 percent chance of getting it if someone in the family has it.
  • Age: It usually affects older people
  • Sex: It affects more men than women
  • National origin: It is more common in people who are of Anglo Saxon descent and people who live in the US and Europe and not so common in people living in Asia


Paget’s disease is usually not curable and neither is there any way to reverse its effects on the bones. However with treatment, it can be controlled, the impact of symptoms can be reduced, and future complications can be prevented. No treatment may be required for people who have no symptoms. But if there are symptoms and if tests show that treatment is necessary then, osteoporosis drugs which are bisphosphonates is the most common treatment along with calcium and vitamin D supplements. Bisphosphonates are medicines that help in reducing the breakdown of the abnormal bone. They may be administered orally or through injections. However, if Paget’s disease leads to a significant amount of bone deformity or fracture then surgery may be required in some cases. Surgery may also be required to realign deformed bones, replace damaged joints, reduce pressure on the nerves, and to help fractures heal. 

There is no way to prevent Paget’s disease but having a healthy lifestyle including a healthy diet with sufficient calcium and Vitamin D and regular physical activity plays a very important role in maintaining the mobility of joints and skeletal health.

Disclaimer: The information in no way constitutes, or should be construed as medical advice. Nor is the above article an endorsement of any research findings discussed in the article an endorsement for any of the source publications.


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